Easter Acrostic Poem Lesson Plan

Two cute girls drawing easter eggs on blackboard

Are you in need of a quick Easter activity for your students? Try having your students create an Easter acrostic poem. They are so simple to write and they can be about any subject.

Grade Level: Primary and Upper Grades
Subject: Language Arts
Objectives/Learning Goals
Practice conceptualizing Easter-related words
Use detailed phrases and sentences to describe Easter or words associated with Easter
Write an Easter acrostic poem
Required Materials
Pencil and paper for each trainee to write their poem on
Scrap paper for conceptualizing
Anticipatory Set
Ask the class what they understand about Easter. Compose a list on the board while they are calling out responses, and deal concepts and remarks as you jot down the list.
Brainstorm 10-15 Easter-related words and write them on the front board or overhead projector. Have the students copy these words on a scrap piece of paper or develop a graphic organizer.
Overview of Lesson Plan
Each trainee is asked to write a short acrostic poem using an Easter-related word. They should develop phrases and/or sentences that associate with the subject in order to complete the job.

Direct Instruction
Choose an Easter-related word and work together to create an acrostic poem. Select words such as: Easter, eggs, Happy Easter, basket, bunny or Spring.
Model the format of an acrostic poem on the front board. The most convenient way to show this is to put the letters of the subject down the left-hand side of the page. When this is done you can now begin to consider a sentence that describes your topic.
Brainstorm sentences that would relate to the subject of the poem. Leave these ideas on the front board so the trainees can use them as a recommendation when developing a poem by themselves.
Assisted Practice
For more youthful students, supply a graphic organizer for brainstorming and an acrostic poem worksheet where they can complete the blanks.
For older students, you can likewise supply a graphic organizer for conceptualizing, but then have them write their own sentences from scratch.
Once they have completed their poems enable time for them to highlight a picture and then share their poems aloud with their schoolmates.

Independent Practice
For research, have students produce an acrostic poem utilizing another Easter-related word. For extra credit or practice, they can create a poem using the letters of their name.

The final piece of composing and homework assignment will be examined by a rubric that the instructor has actually produced.

Test Easter Acrostic Poems

H – ope remains in the Spring air
A – s we all come together
P – ractice your manners for Easter supper
P – raise your parents and the ones you like
Y – es, together we enjoy to
E – at on Easter day
A -nd when you wake up on
S – unday morning you can look for your Easter basket.
T – o me it’s the very best part of Easter,
E – ating all of the chocolate bunnies and collecting the eggs.
R – emember to get some rest for the wedding!

E – aster is a good time of year
A – nd every child enjoys to consume chocolate
S – o ensure you don’t consume too much
T – ogether we can conceal
E – aster eggs and discover them
R – emember not to consume too much candy or you’ll get a stomach pains!

E – at
G – ather eggs
G – o to church
S – pring has actually sprung

S -ring is a terrific season
P -icture the flowers flowering
R -abbits are hopping
I -t is so
N -ice and warm exterior
G -rowing flowers at Easter time.


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