The Importance of Answering Questions in Complete Sentences

Six Young Pupils Writing on Notebooks in Classroom

In language arts lessons, primary school trainees discover that writing allows them to communicate concepts. To do it effectively, they need to comprehend the necessary elements of great writing. This starts with syntax and unambiguous language that readers can easily understand.

They frequently unconsciously rely on clipped responses in response to a writing prompt. In a getting-to-know-you workout at the start of the school year, you may ask your trainees to compose answers to a couple of questions: What is your favorite food? Without instruction, the answers will likely come back as pizza, pink, or pet dog.

Describe the Importance
Now you can demonstrate to your trainees how, without context, those answers could indicate something various than the author intended. Pizza could be the answer to any number of questions, such as: What did you have for lunch?

Teach trainees to respond to concerns in total sentences to add detail and accuracy to their writing. Program them how to use keywords in the concern itself as a hint when creating their response. Teachers refer to this method as “putting the concern in the answer” or “turning the question around.”

In the example, the one-word declaration “pizza” becomes a total sentence, and a complete thought, when the trainee composes, “My preferred food is pizza.”

Demonstrate the Process
Compose a concern on the board or an overhead projector for trainees to see. Begin with an easy question such as, “What is the name of our school?” Ensure the students understand the question. With first graders, you might require to clarify, whereas older students ought to get it immediately.

Then, ask trainees to recognize the keywords in this question. You can help the class target them by asking the trainees to think about what details the response to the question must offer. In this case, it’s “the name of our school.”

Now show to students that when you address a question in a total sentence, you utilize the keywords you identified from the question in your answer. “The name of our school is Fricano Elementary School.” Make certain to underline “the name of our school” in the concern on the overhead projector.

Next, ask trainees to come up with another concern. Designate one trainee to write the question on the board or overhead and another to highlight the keywords. Ask another student to come up and respond to the concern in a total sentence. As soon as trainees get the hang of operating in a group, have them practice separately with a few of the copying or with questions they develop by themselves.

Practice Makes Perfect
You can utilize the following examples to direct your students through skills practice until they master using complete sentences to answer a question.

What is your preferred thing to do?

Response: My favorite thing to do is …

Who is your hero?

Answer: My hero is …

Why do you like to check out?

Answer: I like to check out since …

Who is the most crucial person in your life?

Response: The most important individual in my life is …

What is your favorite topic in school?

Answer: My favorite subject in school is …

What is your favorite book to check out?

Answer: My favorite book to check out is …

What are you going to do this weekend?

Answer: This weekend, I’m going to …

What do you wish to do when you grow up?

Response: When I mature, I wish to …


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