5 Ways to Improve Adult Literacy

Student reading textbook in adult education classroom

Adult literacy is a worldwide issue. In September of 2015, the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) reported that 85% of the world’s adults age 15 and older do not have basic reading and writing skills. That’s 757 million grownups, and two-thirds of them are females.

For enthusiastic readers, this is unimaginable. UNESCO had an objective to lower illiteracy rates by 50% in 15 years compared to 2000 levels. The company reports that only 39% of nations will reach that objective. In some nations, illiteracy has in fact increased. The new literacy target? “By 2030, guarantee that all youth and a substantial proportion of adults, both men and women, attain literacy and numeracy.”

What can you do to help? Here are five ways you can assist enhance adult literacy in your own neighborhood.

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Educate Yourself

Start by looking into some of the online resources available to you and then share them on social networks or anywhere else you believe they will assist. Some are detailed directory sites that can assist you in discovering help in your own community.

Three good choices consist of:

The Office of Vocational and Adult Education at the U.S. Department of Education
The National Institute for Literacy
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Volunteer at Your Local Literacy Council

Even a few of the smallest communities are served by a county literacy council. Go out the phone book or check at your library. Your local literacy council is there to help grownups learn to read, do math, or learn a brand-new language, anything literacy and numeracy associated. They can also assist kids keep up with reading in school. Team member are trained and dependable. Get involved by ending up being a volunteer or by describing the services to somebody you know who might benefit from them.

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Discover Your Local Adult Education Classes for Someone Who Needs Them

Your literacy council will have info about adult education classes in your location. If your own county does not use adult education classes, which would be unexpected, examine the next closest county, or call your state education department.

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Request For Reading Primers at Your Local Library

Never ever ignore the power of your regional county library to help you accomplish simply about anything. They’ve got resources available and can suggest unique books to assist you help a buddy find out to check out. Some are created specifically for adults to prevent the humiliation of having to discover by checking out kids’s books.

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Work With a Private Tutor

It can be very humiliating for an adult to admit that she or he can not check out or work basic computations. If the thought of going to adult education classes freaks somebody out, personal tutors are always available. Your literacy council or library are probably your best locations to find a qualified tutor who will respect the student’s personal privacy and anonymity. What a wonderful present to offer someone who will not otherwise seek help.


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