4 Teaching Philosophy Statement Examples

teacher and students

An educational philosophy statement or teaching viewpoint declaration is a brief essay that all almost potential teachers are needed to compose. Vanderbilt University describes:

” A mentor (philosophy) statement is a purposeful and reflective essay about the author’s teaching beliefs and practices. It is an individual story that consists of not just one’s beliefs about the mentor and finding out process however likewise concrete examples of the ways in which she or he enacts these beliefs in the class.”
A well-crafted mentor statement offers a clear and unique portrait of the author as an instructor. Ohio State University’s Center for the Advancement of Teaching more discusses that a mentor approach statement is important since a clear approach of mentor can cause a modification in mentor behavior and foster professional and individual growth.

Examples of Teaching Philosophy Statements
Sample 1

This passage is an example of a strong declaration of mentor viewpoint since it puts trainees where they belong in education: at the front and center of an instructor’s focus. An author who writes such as a declaration is most likely to continually analyze and confirm this approach by always guaranteeing that student requirements are the primary focus of all lessons and schoolwork.

” My approach of education is that all kids are unique and must have a stimulating academic environment where they can grow physically, psychologically, mentally, and socially. It is my desire to develop this type of atmosphere where trainees can meet their full potential. I will offer a safe environment where trainees are invited to share their concepts and take threats.
” I think that there are 5 necessary components that contribute to learning. (1) The instructor’s function is to function as a guide. (2) Students must have access to hands-on activities. (3) Students should be able to have choices and let their curiosity direct their knowing. (4) Students need the opportunity to practice skills in a safe environment. (5) Technology should be included into the school day.”
Sample 2

The following declaration is a good example of a teaching philosophy due to the fact that the author highlights that all classrooms, and indeed all trainees, are special and have particular learning requirements and styles. A teacher with such a philosophy is likely to make sure that she spends time assisting each student achieve her highest capacity.

” I think that all children are special and have something unique that they can give their own education. I will help my students to reveal themselves and accept themselves for who they are, also embrace the differences of others.
” Every classroom has its own distinct neighborhood; my function as the teacher will be to assist each kid in developing their own capacity and discovering styles. I will present a curriculum that will integrate each different learning design, along with make the content appropriate to the trainees’ lives. I will incorporate hands-on knowing, cooperative knowing, projects, styles, and specific work that engage and trigger students discovering.”
Sample 3

This declaration offers a strong example due to the fact that the author emphasizes the ethical objective of teaching: that she will hold each trainee to the highest expectations and make sure that every one is persistent in her research studies. Implied in this statement is that the teacher will not quit on even a single recalcitrant trainee.

” I believe that a teacher is ethically bound to go into the classroom with just the highest of expectations for each and every one of her trainees. Therefore, the teacher takes full advantage of the positive advantages that naturally occur with any self-fulfilling prediction. With devotion, perseverance, and effort, her trainees will increase to the event.”
” I aim to bring an open mind, a positive attitude, and high expectations to the class every day. I believe that I owe it to my students, along with the community, to bring consistency, diligence, and heat to my job in the hope that I can ultimately influence and motivate such characteristics in the kids also.”
Test 4

The following declaration takes a somewhat various tack: Classrooms should be warm and caring neighborhoods. Unlike the previous declarations, this one decreases the uniqueness of trainees and stresses that, essentially, it take a village to promote truly community-based knowing. All teaching methods then, such as morning conferences and neighborhood problem solving, follow this philosophy.

” I think that a class ought to be a safe, caring community where children are free to speak their mind and blossom and grow. I will use strategies to guarantee our class community will flourish, like the early morning meeting, favorable vs. unfavorable discipline, classroom tasks, and problem-solving skills.
” Teaching is a process of learning from your students, colleagues, moms and dads, and the neighborhood. This is a lifelong process where you find out new strategies, originalities, and brand-new viewpoints. Gradually, my instructional viewpoint might change, which’s okay. That simply indicates that I have actually grown and discovered new things.”
Parts of a Teaching Philosophy Statement
A mentor philosophy declaration must include an introduction, body, and conclusion– simply as you would expect of your trainees if they were writing a paper. But there are specific components that you need to consist of in any such statement:

Introduction: This need to be your thesis declaration where you discuss your basic belief about education (such as: “I think all trainees have a right to discover”) as well as your perfects in relation to teaching. You need to “start with completion,” states James M. Lang in an Aug. 29, 2010, article titled, “4 Steps to a Memorable Teaching Philosophy” released in “The Chronicle of Higher Education.” Lang says you should consider what the trainees will have found out once they leave your class, after having actually been assisted by your mentor approach and strategies.

Body: In this part of the declaration, discuss what you see as the ideal classroom environment and how it makes you a much better instructor, addresses trainee needs, and helps with parent/child interactions. Talk about how you would facilitate age-appropriate learning, and how you include trainees in the evaluation procedure. Discuss how you would put your instructional ideals into practice.

Lang says that you must clearly specify your objectives and objectives for students. Layout particularly what you hope your teaching will assist trainees to accomplish. Be specific by telling a story or offering “an in-depth description of an ingenious or intriguing mentor strategy you have utilized,” states Lang. Doing so, assists your reader understand how your teaching philosophy would play out in the classroom.

Conclusion: In this section, speak about your objectives as an instructor, how you have had the ability to satisfy them in the past, and how you can develop on these to satisfy future obstacles. Focus on your personal approach to pedagogy and classroom management, in addition to what makes you unique as a teacher, and how you want to advance your profession to further assistance education.

Lang keeps in mind that, while you don’t need to utilize official citation style, you should mention your sources. Discuss where your teaching viewpoint came from– for instance, from your experiences as an undergraduate, from a faculty coach you dealt with throughout your teacher-training program, or maybe from books or posts on mentor that had a specific impact on you.

Formatting Your Statement
In addition to considering the kind of teaching approach to write, Ohio State University provides some basic formatting suggestions. The Ohio State University Center for the Advancement of Teaching states:

Declaration Format
” There is no required content or set format. There is no right or wrong method to write a philosophy statement, which is why it is so tough for most people to write one. You might choose to compose in prose, usage famous quotes, develop visuals, use a question/answer format, etc”.

There are, nevertheless, some basic guidelines to follow when writing a teaching viewpoint declaration, states the university’s teacher-training department:.

Keep it brief. The declaration should disappear than one to 2 pages, according to the Ohio State University Center for the Advancement of Teaching.

Use present tense, and write the statement in the very first individual, as the previous examples show.

Avoid jargon. Use common, everyday language, not “technical terms,” the university advises.

Produce a “brilliant picture” that includes “techniques and approaches … (to help) your reader take a psychological ‘peek’ into your class,” adds the Ohio State University Center for the Advancement of Teaching.

In addition, ensure you talk about “your experiences and your beliefs” and guarantee your statement is original and truly describes the techniques and philosophy you would employ in teaching, the university adds.


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